Manifest: 7 Steps to Living Your Best Life – Book Review and Notes

manifest 7 steps book 5 lessons about manifesting

What is unique about this book in one sentence

It talks about manifesting as a self-development practice to live by and breaks down manifestation into 7 practical steps that anyone could quickly begin to follow.

How I discovered it

I watched the podcast interview of the author, Roxie Nafousi by Ali Abdaal. Her explanation of manifestation resonated with my manifesting journey, so I’m intrigued to know more about what she has to share in this book.

Finished reading date: 4 September 2023

Who would I recommend this book to

🟢Manifestation rookie: You have only heard about manifestation via TikTok and Instagram. You want to start this magical practice but you have no idea how. Then, this is the perfect book for you. The actionable steps can help you kickstart your journey right away.

🟢Manifestation amateur: If you are 1-3 years into your manifesting journey, you can still find some golden nuggets in this book. I’m in this group where I had already practiced most of the steps before reading this book. However, when Roxie pointed out that manifestation is the reflection of self-worth, it blew my mind that I couldn’t have understood it better, thus enabling me to manifest more successfully.

🚫Manifestation veteran: For those who have a strong sense of self-worth and have manifested abundance many times, you might already know most of the stuff covered in this book.

My review of Manifest: 7 Steps to Living Your Best Life

This book is great as an introduction to manifestation, along with the 7-step guide to start manifesting.

It is very easy to read and digest, and the guide is straightforward to follow. I believe this is what Roxie wants to achieve – make manifesting as simple as possible to reach vast audiences. Also, she shared a lot of everyday examples including hers which make it easy for readers to relate and imagine themselves in the same scenarios.

Read on for the five lessons that I got from ‘Manifest: 7 Steps to Living Your Best Life’. It was very helpful to make me realize the gap I needed to bridge in order to successfully manifest a better life, especially in replacing limiting beliefs with an abundance mindset and learning how to be patient and have faith in the universe.

If you want to buy this book, you are most welcome to use my link. If it’s not for you, feel free to check out other books in book notes!

5 lessons from the book

Lesson #1 – At the core of manifesting is self-worth

Due to the popularization of manifesting throughout social media, very often it is devalued into creating a vision board with affirmative quotes and waiting for things to happen. The truth is manifesting has a lot of layers and at the core, it is self-worth because how much we think we deserve determines how many blessings and opportunities we are capable of receiving.

How do we improve self-worth? The answer is self-love. It underpins every step of manifesting and it is the driving force. When you love yourself unconditionally, you allow yourself to manifest greater things in life.

In the past, I was attracted to uncommitted guys because deep down I was scared of unconditional love. Their inconsistency made me relieved because I didn’t have to get vulnerable and show up with true love. Deep down I didn’t know how to love myself, let alone the others. Hence, I have stopped dating and I’m working on loving myself more every day. I believe in divine timing.

Lesson #2 – Being obsessive about the destination will block your manifestation

When you are obsessed about the destination, you get anxious and agitated – you forget to enjoy the journey. Manifesting is the art of balancing the need to focus on the destination and contentment of what you have at the moment.

The problem begins when we start to focus on the future at the expense of living mindfully. We need the sweet spot, or we will always be unhappy anytime before reaching the destination.

Remember, the sweet moment of reaching your goal can happen in the blink of an eye, yet the real magic unfolds in the countless hours we dedicate to the journey. Do you want your journey to be filled with unhealthy obsession, which might steer you away from your destination?

Lesson #3 – Tests from the universe are opportunities for us to level up

“Do not be afraid of your difficulties. Do not wish you could be in other circumstances than you are. For when you have made the best of an adversity, it becomes the stepping stone to a splendid opportunity.”

– Helena Blavatsky

When we tell the universe that we want something, we will be tested. It is to reveal if we truly believe that we deserve the opportunities. If we overcome the tests, we will be rewarded with abundance.

But sometimes we don’t. This quote shows us how we can make the best out of failed tests, “Sometimes we win, sometimes we learn”. We learn our lessons and get ready for the next test so that we can show the universe we deserve what we ask for. Behind every passed test, you leave an old self that doesn’t serve you anymore.

Lesson #4 – Being grateful doesn’t make us lose the drive

Gratitude is integral in manifesting as it could help replace negative emotions like envy. It is very easy to implement as we could list down 3-5 items we are grateful for the day, be it the bright sun outside, a good sleep, a home-cooked meal by mum, and many more.

But a lot of us subconsciously choose not to adopt it because we think that it will stop us from striving for more.

But this belief is mistaken.

In reality, practicing gratitude elevates our vibration, opening us up to attract even greater abundance into our lives.

Lesson #5 – Impatience is the enemy of manifestation

Most people’s manifestation fails because they let impatience get in the way. Imagine you are supposed to get a job at your dream company but you cannot wait. Hence you took another job offer that arrived first and couldn’t commit to it wholeheartedly.

To avoid a situation like that let go of waiting by practicing gratitude and mindfulness. When you focus 100% on the current moment and see things through an appreciative lens, you are no longer waiting – you are living life with faith in yourself and the universe till the divine timing comes.

My favorite quotes from Manifest: 7 Steps to Living Your Best Life to

Here are some of the quotes from the book that I like:

“Self-love is the driving force behind manifesting.”

“With each sunrise, we rise into someone new.”

“The process of waiting for something is a huge test to our self-belief and self-worth.”

“I believe there is enough for everyone, and I believe that I can have it too.”

“There’s simply no room for fear and doubt when you have full faith in the universe” 

Other resources about manifesting

If you want to know how science supports manifesting and more in-depth sharing, you can check out the following books:

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