Quantum Leap Manifestation: Path Your Way To Best Reality

Quantum Leap Manifestation human running

Did you know you can shift your reality to the one you desire through focused intention and mental practices? This process, known as quantum leap manifestation, can lead to rapid and significant improvements or transformations in your life through ideal reality visualization and aligning your thoughts, beliefs, and actions. While it may not be as fantastical as Loki traversing the multiverse or Evelyn living multiple lives at the same time, the changes you can achieve are profound and impactful. Let’s dive into the science behind this concept and explore how you can make it work for you!

Understanding quantum leaps: From science to manifestation

Quantum leap manifestation borrows terminology from quantum physics, where atoms can move through barriers and appear in different places instantly due to their probabilistic nature. While humans can’t physically experience this due to our mass and size, this concept illustrates that significant changes can happen at atomic and subatomic scales, including within our minds.

Our brains possess a remarkable ability called neuroplasticity, allowing them to reorganize by forming new neural connections throughout life. By harnessing this power, we can change how we think and respond to external influences, proactively transforming our lives. But how can you fine-tune your brain to work with you, rather than against you, in manifesting your desires?

Before diving into exercises to help achieve quantum leap manifestation, let me share the story of my own quantum leap experience. This will illustrate how these principles can be applied in real life to bring about profound change.

My quantum leap – new relationship, new job

One year ago, I was frustrated with my marketing job and wanted to pivot to product management. Despite my manager’s promises, nothing changed for months. I passively waited, didn’t firmly voice my needs, and faced rejection when I applied elsewhere.

Applying manifestation in my life made me realize I had a limiting belief that I couldn’t get a department transfer and that even if it happened, it wouldn’t be a good role. I reframed my belief into, “Regardless of what and where the next opportunity is, I’m going to try it out because it’s what is best for me.” I finally told my manager I would resign if there were no transfer within a month. Within a week, she offered me a new role! Standing up for myself led to the job I wanted, significantly boosting my growth. This experience ultimately enabled me to secure a new job this year with a 30% salary increase.

The same principle applied to my relationship. After many disappointing dates, I wrote down my soulmate manifesting list and changed my behaviour to attract the right person. By saying no to those who didn’t meet my criteria, I focused on myself and found the right one this January. Now, I’m in a happy and healthy relationship I couldn’t have imagined a year ago.

These examples show that by being firm with my intentions, challenging my mindset, and taking aligned actions, I was able to change my life through quantum leap manifestation drastically.

Ways of quantum leap manifestation

In order to achieve quantum leap manifestation, you must perform quantum leap yourself, aka imagining yourself in the new reality you want and fully immersing yourself into that experience. Here are a few ways that you can start with:


In order to manifest what you want, you have to define it through visualization. If you do not know what kind of new reality you want to imagine, I recommend you try out visualization method introduced by Dr.Tara Swart in her book The Source: The Secrets of the Universe, the Science of the Brain. It’s called “Positive you, Negative you”.

Steps to practice visualization

  1. Prepare your journal:
    • Take out your notebook or journal and draw two quadrants on a page.
    • Label the quadrants: “Physical,” “Mental,” “Emotional,” and “Spiritual.”
      • Physical: What you feel in your body.
      • Mental: What you think in your mind.
      • Emotional: How you feel in your heart.
      • Spiritual: What you feel deep down at your core or soul.
  2. Visualize a negative experience:
    • Close your eyes and recall a bad memory where you felt terrible about yourself. Immerse yourself in it for at least one minute.
    • Open your eyes and make notes about this experience in the four quadrants.
  3. Visualize a positive experience:
    • Close your eyes again and recall a good memory when you were happy and confident. Immerse yourself in it for at least one minute.
    • Open your eyes and make notes about this experience in the second set of quadrants.
  4. Compare notes:
    • Compare the two sets of notes, observing the similarities and differences.
Quantum Leap Manifestation visualisation

Our brains tend to focus more on painful memories, making it harder to recall happy ones. By recognizing these patterns, you can elevate a bad day by mimicking your “Positive You” version. Using my example above, if I face another depressing situation, I will start by changing my physical appearance (smiling, initiating conversation, seeking good food, dressing up), then regulate my emotions and change my thought patterns. This is the beginning of quantum leap manifestation: transforming a bad moment into a good one.

This simple visualization exercise is based on our past experiences. Once you get the hang of it, use your imagination to visualize what you want in the future. Engage all your senses and make the visualization as detailed as possible. For instance, if you’re manifesting a tropical holiday in Thailand, search for pictures and travel vlogs to make your visualization more vivid.


If you prefer to note things down and express them through words, journaling is your best tool to reflect and align your focused attention onto calling you what you want to manifest. You can either write in paragraphs or manifesting list format.

Here are a few quantum leap manifestation journaling prompts for you to get started:

  1. What does my ideal reality look like one year from now? Describe it in detail. What sights, sounds, and feelings are present in this visualization?
  2. Create a visual representation (drawing or collage) of your ideal reality. How can you make it more realistic?
  3. What specific goal or dream am I aiming to achieve through this quantum leap? How will my life change once I’ve completed it?
  4. How will I feel when I reach my desired reality? What emotions and sensations will accompany this achievement?
  5. What are the key differences between my current reality and my desired reality? How do these differences manifest in my daily life?
  6. What specific actions can I take to start bridging the gap between my current reality and my desired reality?
  7. What strengths and advantages do I currently have that will help me reach my desired reality?
  8. What potential obstacles or challenges might I face in this journey? How can I overcome them effectively?
  9. What do I need to let go of to achieve my desired goals? Am I prepared for this detachment or removal, and how can I make it more manageable?
  10. What limiting beliefs might be holding me back from achieving my desired reality? How can I reframe these beliefs to support my goals?
  11. What am I grateful for in my future reality? Describe it in detail.
  12. What are the key milestones or signs that indicate I am moving closer to my quantum leap? How will I recognize and celebrate these milestones?
  13. Who do I need to become in order to align with my desired reality? What qualities or habits do I need to develop?
  14. What small wins or progress have I made today towards my quantum leap? How can I build on this progress tomorrow?
  15. How does my current manifestation plan align with my vision? What adjustments or enhancements can I make to improve its effectiveness?

If you enjoy having a digital journal, check out this digital reflection journal that has over 500 meaningful journaling prompts. The collection covers personal and professional development, creative writing, gratitude, self-care, wellness, shadow work, emotions, relationships, and self-discovery. With its undated format and digital journal nature, you can reuse it and carry it around with you conveniently.


“To change your life, you need to change your brain. The best way to do that is to go inward, disconnect from your environment, and create a new experience through meditation.”

– Joe Dispenza

Meditation is a powerful method for aligning your energy and speeding up your quantum leap manifestation, and it usually involves visualization. With effective guided meditation sessions, you can feel an immediate change in your brain before and after you meditate. My manifestation meditation journey started after I read Joe Dispenza’s Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One. He explained how meditation aids in reprogramming the subconscious mind through neuroplasticity and affirmations, increases intuition and insight, and aligns mind, body, and spirit, making you a powerful magnet for your desires. By meditating regularly, you can clearly visualize your goals, maintain a positive mindset, and connect deeply with your intentions, paving the way for significant personal transformation. There are many guided manifestation meditation resources on the internet and here are a few that I recommend: 

If you are a meditation amateur who wants to craft your own manifestation meditation, do check out my 15-minute manifesting meditation script which you can use it for customisation.

Two cups method

This is a visualisation method that is widely spread online and inspired by the concept of quantum superposition, where particles can exist in multiple states simultaneously until they are observed or measured. This principle suggests that multiple potential realities exist and can be influenced by observation and intention.

What you need is just 2 cups and some water. The steps are as follows:

  1. Set your intention: Define what you want to manifest. Be specific and focus on your desired outcome.
  2. Label the cup: Label one cup as “Current reality” and another as “New reality” or other preferred naming. You can use sticky notes, write directly on the cups, or make a mental note.
  3. Fill “Current reality” cup with water: Pour water into the cup labelled “Current Reality.”
  4. Transfer the water: As you slowly pour the water from the “Current reality” cup to the “New reality” cup, visualize your desired outcome coming to fruition.
  5. Visualize success: Once all the water has been transferred, take a moment to immerse yourself in the feeling of reaching your goal successfully. This step sends powerful affirmations into the universe, reinforcing your desire and increasing the likelihood of its manifestation.
  6. Drink the water: While holding on to that powerful positive feeling, drink the water from the “New Reality” cup. Feel excited and confident, knowing that you are now perfectly aligned with the vibration of your desired reality. Trust that the right events, opportunities, and people are being magnetically attracted to you.
  7. Get rid of current reality: Rip up or discard the “Current Reality” label. You can keep the “New Reality” label if it feels right to you.
  8. Live in the desired reality: Now that the old you and your old life are gone, fully embrace and live in your desired reality. Take actions that align with your new reality, and stay open to the gifts from the universe.

What you need for quantum leap manifestation to work

While you work on quantum leap, remember to adopt these mindsets. This may help enhance quantum leaping’s effectiveness and allow for a smoother transition to your desired reality.

  1. Let go of the how and when.

Understand that you don’t know the unknown and your thoughts are limited by the information you currently have. Beyond your knowledge, there are countless ways to reach your goals, each taking a different amount of time. Trust the process and allow the universe to work its magic. Obsessing over details can lead to stress and diminish the joy of the journey.

  1. Maintain a positive and open mindset.

Setbacks happen. It can be tough to stay positive, but it helps to have tools like a manifestation journal or reflection journal. Surround yourself with a support group – friends, family, coaches, or therapists. These relationships and tools can keep you grounded. If you need inspiration, there are 25 easy ways to build an abundance mindset out there. Keep searching for what works best for you.

  1. Be ready to challenge and change yourself.

If you are not ready to do the hard work and choose to slack now, a difficult life pathway may await you. Like a phoenix who raises for a better life from the ashes of the fire, you will emerge stronger after healing from your traumas and rewiring your limiting beliefs.

Signs that quantum leap is working

Quantum leap manifestation changes you from within, and it spreads across your outer reality like a ripple effect. When you notice that you can now treat yourself with more compassion and understanding, have better self-confidence, and respond to external situations with a more optimistic attitude, it signals that the quantum leap is working. Some people may also sense a rise in their energy levels.

As you elevate from your old self, your reality will start to transform for the better. You will begin to recognize new opportunities, such as connections, events, and job offers. By embracing new challenges and opportunities, you are paving your way to your ideal reality.

If you want to accelerate your manifestation, you may start tracking your progress. Observe and reflect on how your reality evolves and the changes you experience.

FAQ about quantum leap manifestation

What can you manifest?
You can manifest nearly anything you desire, but it should not be illegal or involve unkind things like taking revenge or wishing bad luck to the person. Common manifestations include finding love, improving a, increasing wealth, getting a house, career advancement and so on. You can also manifest abstract items like self-confidence, courage, happiness, etc.

How often should you practice this manifestation method?
You can practice it as frequently as daily, but you have to remember that aligned actions are important to turn your desire into a reality. While visualization can recalibrate your mind and accelerate manifestation, it must be supported by actual effort. For example, becoming a national ballerina requires not just visualization but also rigorous and consistent dance practice.

When will your quantum leap manifestation start working?
The timeline for experiencing results varies based on an individual’s persistence and the level of difference between the person’s current and ideal reality. Significant changes like earning $1 million will take a longer time if you have many limiting beliefs and traumas to overcome. Typically, individuals may begin to notice changes or manifestations after 2-4 weeks of consistent practice. You need to have patience and faith in order to see your final manifestation unfold in front of you.

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