Elevate You Mind And Life: A Quick 10-min Abundance Meditation

abundance meditation script happy sunflower

“Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into.” These wise words by Wayne Dyer capture the essence of the abundance mindset—the Universe is abundant, and we are free to access all we desire ethically. Abundance flows into every facet of our lives: finances, time, health, love, creativity, energy, passions, and more when we adopt the right positive mindset and align with our purposes.

However, many of us have doubts and limiting beliefs around abundance, which hinders us from experiencing the highest level of abundance that is truly available to us. Some of the false beliefs might be:

  • Fear of lack, believing there is not enough money, time, love, or opportunities for everyone.
  • Belief that money and fame are evil.
  • Self-doubt about our own abilities or deservingness to achieve success or abundance.
  • Fixed mindset, believing that our circumstances and destiny cannot be changed.
  • Feeling guilty or ashamed for wanting more or pursuing abundance, especially if others are struggling or less fortunate.

To open our eyes to receive the vast blessings around us and lean into the abundance mindset, we can meditate regularly to affirm ourselves and shift our mindset from scarcity to abundance. Today, I will share my abundance meditation script that you can practice yourself. It is beginner-friendly and takes only 10 minutes, so fret not and let’s get started!

What You Need to Know Before Starting Abundance Meditation

  • Practice time: 10 mins
  • Purposes: Transformation, Healing, Manifesting, Affirmations
  • Level: Beginner

In this abundance meditation, we will go through the flow below:

  • Ground yourself.
  • What is abundance for you?
  • Confront your false limiting beliefs by connecting with the Universe or your Higher Self.
  • Embrace abundance and practice gratitude
  • Come back to your senses

Before you start meditating, find a place where you wouldn’t get disturbed, and it makes you feel safe and comfortable. You may play relaxing music, light up candles, or do gentle stretches to make you feel more grounded.

Abundance Meditation Script

The abundance meditation script starts here:

Ground yourself.

Today’s meditation is to help you release your doubts and limiting beliefs about abundance,
And affirm yourself of the abundance and prosperity you deserve.The Universe is vast, and there’s so much space for you to grow and expand.
You can always attract new opportunities for success.
Now is the moment to rewire your brain and embrace abundance wholeheartedly.

Inhale and clench your fists.
Tighten your whole body muscles.
Exhale to relax your body.
Repeat it three times until you feel safe and relaxed.
Inhale and exhale.
Inhale and exhale.
Inhale and exhale.
Allow your hands to rest softly on your knee or the ground.
Breathe in and out gently.

What is abundance for you?

The universe is abundant with blessings; it’s just a matter of opening our eyes to them.
What is the abundance you want to attract now?
It can be about money, health, time, energy, love, and more.
Imagine you have unlimited of what you desire.
What do you feel?
Is it all light or happy?
Or do you feel uneasy, doubtful, guilty or shameful?
Face and sit with the discomfort
Observe the thoughts that the feelings trigger.
What do you see?

Confront your false limiting beliefs by connecting with the Universe or your Higher Self.

These beliefs, experiences, and negative emotions have lingered in your body for too long.
They are the blockers of you leaning into the abundance mindset.
The same feelings trigger the same thoughts.
The same thoughts trigger the same choices.
The same choices shape the same personality.
And the same personality crafts the same personal reality.

Lao Tzu once said,
If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place.
Envision your mind as a container.
There’s no room for fears and doubts when it is filled with gratitude and affirmations.
It’s time to reset your program and embrace abundance.

We are all meant to shine.
We were born to manifest the glory of The Universe that is within us.
We are deeply loved, talented, and wise.
There is enough room for all of us to thrive.
And as we let our light shine, we unconsciously liberate others.
Breathe in and let the truth settle within you.

Embrace abundance and practice gratitude.

You are now ready to step into the boundless realm of abundance.
Find your center.
Envision a ball of light at your centre.
This is your sense of gratitude and abundance.
Witness as it gets brighter, illuminating your mind and body slowly.
Now, affirm your intentions:
“I release all resistance to abundance and allow it to flow freely into my life.”
“I surrender to the wisdom of the Universe.”
“Thank you, Universe, for my abundance and blessings on their way.”
“I am abundant, attracting greatness effortlessly.”
Visualize the ball of light expanding, lighting up the space you are in bits by bits.
Sense the warmth and energy enveloping you and filling the space.
Remain in this presence until you feel at peace with your new self.

Come back to your senses.

Now, bring your awareness to your new body and new mind.
Continue to breathe in the new energy.
Allow waves of confidence, peace, and love to flow through your entire being.
Feel this energy infusing your heart with warmth and power.
You are now a vessel of abundance.
When you feel ready, slowly open your eyes.

How to Use This Abundance Meditation Script

To effectively meditate yourself or guide others using this abundance meditation script, familiarizing yourself with it by reading it multiple times to understand the flow and meaning. Then, either word-by-word or personalizing it, you can use the script in the following ways: 

  • Memorize the script and practice meditating independently.
  • Record yourself reading the script, then use the recording for your own or group-guided meditation sessions.
  • Read it aloud to guide an individual or a group in their manifestation journey.
  • Incorporate background music or natural sounds into your recording to enhance the meditation experience.
  • Use the script as a foundation for a meditation workshop, expanding on its themes with interactive discussions or activities.

Make The Change Today

This brief abundance meditation script is perfect for beginners seeking to shift their mindset and positively transform their lives through meditation. Continue practicing and heed the intuitive messages that arise during meditation. The more intentional meditative practice you make, the greater the life changes you will attract as your energy field elevates. Start today if you really want to manifest the change you seek in your life!

Check out this CBT integrative healing ritual if you need more help to combat your doubts and limiting beliefs.

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